College Testing (SAT/ACT)


Links→ SAT / ACT


Most four-year colleges and universities required high school students to take an entrance exam in order to be considered for admission. There are two testing programs, the SAT which is administered by the College Board, and the ACT which is produced by the American College Testing Program. These tests are designed to assess high school student’s general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. Most colleges will accept either ACT or SAT scores; check with individual colleges to learn their specific requirements or ask your school guidance counselor. It is recommended that students take both the SAT and ACT, for most colleges will consider whichever score is highest when both are taken.

Registration for the ACT and/or SAT must be done online.

SAT registration link:

ACT registration link:


  • ACT Assessment ($69)*  or
  • SAT Reasoning Test ($68)*
  • ACT Assessment plus Writing ($94)*

Private Colleges and Universities Test Requirements:

Contact the specific college or university for information. Useful websites include: ,, and

*Fee waivers are available from your counselor for students who meet income requirements and are on the free/reduced lunch program.

**Note: Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch may qualify for a fee waiver for the SAT and/or ACT test. Please see your counselor to obtain the fee waiver.