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Smarter  Balanced Field Test is now available at The purpose of this nine-minute video is to provide an overview of the spring  2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test. The primary audiences for the video are teachers, administrators, school board members, and other educators responsible for test administration. Resources for use with students and parents are referenced in the video.


A table that provides information about Smarter Balanced question types is available a The table lists various question response types (e.g., multiple choice, drag and drop, matching tables) and the technology skill students will use to  respond to each question type. In addition, the table provides examples of  specific questions on the Smarter Balanced Practice Tests and Training Tests that are associated with each question type. Teachers can refer to      this table to focus on specific question types and technology skills as they use the Practice and Training Tests, available at, to prepare students for the Field Test.


A table  that describes how students will access embedded resources for the Smarter Balanced assessments is available at Embedded resources include such functions as strikethrough,      highlighter, American Sign Language videos, and text-to-speech. Students      will use various types of devices (e.g., desktops, laptops, and tablets)      to take the Field Test, and this table describes how students will use a      mouse, keyboard, touch screen, or trackpad to open the context menu on      each type of device to access the embedded resources.


For questions related to the spring 2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test, please contact the California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) by phone at 800-955-2954 or by e-mail at Information also can be accessed through the CalTAC Web site at